Heavy Rain Is Like Alan Wake?

Posted by lolz124 Friday, June 18, 2010

Heavy Rain Is Like Alan Wake?

As all of you must have heard a little bit about Heavy Rain only for Ps3 platform resembling too Alan Wake that is yet to be released for the Xbox360 platform. Now supposedly those are just rumors out and about. The real truth is they don't resemble at all, the story line is completely different. Considering the fact that they both claim to be movies that are video games. The fact behind that is Alan Wake and Heavy Rain are made by the same graphic producers making the graphics so complex they look very similar since that is the highest performance made in graphic history for video games. As all of you may have already though about its kind of obvious that Heavy Rain cant be like Alan Wake because Alan wake has not even been released yet and heavy rain came out several months before that. Everyone asks what is the difference and which is better, that is based on you to judge depending on you like a game that you have to do everything and make your own decisions Heavy Rain or you can just follow the Alan Wake story line and watch a movie while your at it. Based on the information given they do not seem to resemble that much for it to be a copy of either game, however they are both for separate consoles and cant be played on the opposing platforms.


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