Say Goodbye To The Dreaded Red Ring Of Death

Posted by lolz124 Friday, June 18, 2010

New version of the xbox 360 also known by "xbox 360 slim" has recently been released by e3 this week. The main question is does the console get rrod? Today we have the answer you are all waiting for this console will not get rrod all the other console in the past had chances of getting rrod but this one is rrod free. But how is it different from the other consoles? Well look at the image below!
This clearly shows the modifications made to the console. There is no x clamps that over heat and become lose causing hardware failure. Their is now a fan under the gpu also known as the orange box from the previous models, you can easily tell that there is now a fan over it. The CPU or the graphics card on the left is made with lead solder not lead free so it can take the heat. Since there is a lot more cooling done to the console it preforms better there is less chances of graphic failure, and its more quieter. You be the judge is the the new Xbox 360 suitable for your needs?


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